Which Circle is Larger: A or B?
It's a trick question. Both circles are exactly the same diameter - they're the same size. Flora Jessop and her supporters give you a piece of information but present it in such a way they can convince you it's something it is not- much bigger than it is. Isn't it odd that she makes allegations about "large numbers" of this or that going on in the FLDS but then never follows it up with, "Compared to the national average ...." Why won't she let you see how her numbers compare to national averages? ARE the FLDS numbers high? How much higher than normal?
She doesn't follow up with the logical rest of the puzzle because it would ruin the illusion!
The rate of death among American 1-24 year olds measured by the National Center for Health l is 158.40/100,000 per year. This is for accidental deaths of any kind; car accidents, drowning, etc.
K Dee Ignatin stated 25% of the graves were children who died between years of 1990-2003. She cleverly hinted that FLDS kids have a lot of accidents - but she included nearly 100 infants who were either stillborn or died from natural causes in her number. Pretty tricky and got a lot of people riled up for sure. Twenty five percent would mean there would be 99.5 graves in the graveyard. I combed through the burial records and found 34 graves for the 1-24 age range measured in the national rates where the deaths occurred between 1990 and 2003. Applying these numbers to the formula to come up with a per/100,000 figure to compare to the national average the rate of deaths within this polygamist community is 35.28/100,000.
National Death Rate among 1-24 year olds: 158.40
FLDS Death Rate among 1-24 year olds: 35.28
Now doesn't that change the way this whole issue looks when you add a comparison? See how easy that was!
Kids between the ages of 1-24 in this polygamist community are four times LESS likely to die in an accident than the rest of the population of the United States in this age group.
I've addressed the baby graves in another post that compares those numbers to national averages of baby deaths. The only thing shocking about the results is that Flora and K Dee have been getting away with this for so long without anybody challenging their information.
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